Saturday, 12 March 2016

How to bind selenium javadoc to eclipse

Javadoc for Selenium in Eclipse:


      While configuring Selenium in Eclipse(by adding selenium-java-2.52.0.jar in eclipse) whenever we write selenium scripts using java in eclipse we didn't get intellisense from eclipse for Selenium related classes and functions (javadoc comment) but we get the intellisense/javadoc information for java related functions by default.

How to get Javadoc comment/information for selenium code in Eclipse:


Open Eclipse => Create new Java Project => Give Project Name => Select Next button => Select Libraries tab => and click on add external jar button => browse to location where "selenium-java-2.xx.x.jar" file is located and select  "selenium-java-2.xx.x.jar" and => Select Finish.


Select recently created project => Right click on it => Select Build Path option => select Configure build path option.


Click on Libraries tab and search for "selenium-java-2.xx.x.jar".
Expand it.
select Javadoc Location option under jar file => click on Edit button.
copy    this URL  and paste in javadoc location path edit box.
Press ok button. 

Finally While writing selenium scripts you will get  intellisense/javadoc information.


  1. Thanks a lot, it really helped!

  2. Worked like a charm. Makes a world of difference when scripting. Thanks a ton for the clear and concise explanation!

  3. not working man, I am using client-combined-3.8.1.jar file.

  4. I installed Selnium for Java version 3.141.59. I was trying to attach javadoc location to the client-combined-3.141.59 jar.can u please confirm if the javadoc URL which i found is correct -
    I dont find options for Firefox. chrome or internet explorer here under the "All classes" section.
